On Record: Samit Basu

This is my second official interview as such. And this time the man is Samit Basu, novelist, screenwriter, writer of comics and local monster, talking about his latest book Turbulence and writing among other things.

Snippets of the interview:

Samit Basu
Samit Basu

You’ve been part of quite a number of anthologies and collaborations. Which one was the best experience?

Collaborations – I co-wrote a comic, or graphic novel if you prefer, with Mike Carey, who is a writer I’ve idolized since I first started reading comics. If you haven’t read his Lucifer comics or his Felix Castor books, do so at once. For someone at that level, he was both incredibly generous as a collaborator and surprisingly nice as a person. The comic is called Untouchable, it’s a turn-of-the-century romance/horror story about a young Anglo-Indian boy’s twisted relationship with a rakshasi. It’s set in India and England, and starts this doomed couple, both outcasts, one caught between the different worlds of his parents, another caught between different eras and worlds.

Anthology wise, Electric Feather, the anthology of erotic stories edited by Ruchir Joshi. I wrote a story about a bunch of twentysomethings going back to Cal for a wedding and getting it on afterwards. It was lovely, because I got to write a kind of story I wouldn’t have done otherwise, have a great deal of fun, and people responded strongly – most people absolutely loved it, and others were deeply offended, and both responses pleased me greatly.

If you could be one of your superheroes, which one would you be?

Tia. I love her power, the ability to duplicate yourself and therefore essentially never have to make a choice again, because now you can live several lives and experience so many more things.

One book that you’d bequeath to your favorite niece/nephew.

I’d be a fairly sad uncle if I gave my favourite niece/nephew only one book. Lots and lots and lots of really good books. Do I have to bequeath them? That seems to involve dying. Must I die now?

One writer that seriously scrambled your brains with his/her dangerous and exciting ideas.

China Mieville


You can read the full interview here.

You can also read my review of Turbulence here or there.

Review: Armageddon- The Musical

Armageddon The Musical
Armageddon The Musical- Robert Rankin

Earthers: Rex Mundi, the hero unaware, Gloria Mundi, his not-very-nice-but-incredibly-attractive sister, Rambo Bloodaxe & Deathblade Eric, Elvis Presley with Barry the Time Sprout residing in his head.

Phnaargs: Mungo Madoc, main guy behind the TV show The Earthers, Fergus Shaman-the guy/Phnaarg of the Time Sprout, Jovis Jspht, Jason Morgawr.

The Almighties: Dalai Dan, the 153rd reincarnation of the Lama of that ilk, Christeen the only Daughter of God, and the Big Nose himself.

Year: Back and forth over 1958 and 2050.

The book is agog wit pop-culture references, some that come to surface only on a second or third reading. And you will definitely want to have a second reading. Things you are bound to do after every three pages include the following:

> Experience a genuine LOL moment.

> Chuckle/snigger at understanding a metaphor you thought you weren’t smart enough to catch

> Stare into space wondering hows, whats, hows of the twists and turns

> Marvel at the sharp wit and incredible imagination of Mr. Rankin

> And lastly, you’ll be going back once in a while to check that you are keeping pace with our heroes and villians.

For all its obscurity and missing from the “lists”, it is one of the best kept secret works of this genre. Go dig it out, strap on your safety belts and enjoy the ride.

Favorite Quote: If it’s God’s will, who gets the money? – Tony O’Blimey – From the Suburban Book Of Dead

Complete review to be found here.